Thank you for filling out your membership application! There are three ways to pay for your membership.
Stop by the TFAA building with cash or cheque for $110 (September-March) or $75 (April-August). Envelopes, receipt book, and membership ledger are on the counter in the kitchen next to the printer. Please follow all fiscal procedures to record your payment.
E-transfer $110 (September-March) or $75 (April-August) to [email protected]. No security question is required. Please put your name in the notes section.
Pay with your credit card online by clicking the purchase button below. Note that online purchases include a $4 convenience fee to cover Square charges.
Your membership is not active until your payment is received.
TFAA Membership
Membership in TFAA for this year. Please note, the Pottery Department is renewals only - no new members! Online registration includes a $4 convenience fee to cover Square charges.